A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided.
Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and plenary ideas and lesson objectives.
Resources included are:
* Planning Sheet
* Prompt Sheet
* Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.)
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
Amazing value literacy pack! One full literacy lesson complete with all resources and four literacy games, all on one Power Point! Click on the links below to purchase individually or download the complete pack here. Great for improving students' SPAG.
Literacy Health Check £3:
Literacy Bingo 1 £2:
Literacy Bingo 2 £2:
Literacy True or False 1 £2:
Literacy True or False 2 £2:
Hope for Paws lesson 2.50:
*Now also includes - Literacy Nuts and Bolts - Zizi's Story* £2.50
£16.00 pack for £6.49!!
Please rate, thank you.
A simple and effective way to make literacy and learning fun. Literacy bingo 2! Students have to spot the incorrect word as each sentence appears (common literacy errors) and replace them with the correct word. This is the word they cross off on their bingo cards. Further instructions on how to play inside. Power Point resource, playing time with line and house 15 minute approx. Resource suitable for key stages 2/3, but easily adaptable format/template to create further bingo games. Student satisfaction guaranteed!
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(Copyright free images used throughout.)
A group of friends find themselves trapped in an old hotel, only to suffer strange lucid dreams and terrifying nightly visitations. Will they escape or go insane? And what is the significance of the black rose?
Visually attractive, creative horror story lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson or series of lessons. (At least two lessons will be required to complete the story.)
Power point includes:
* Attractive title page.
* Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above).
* Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and to build up tension and drama within the story.
* Character cards page (with example, included) where students complete their own characters on special cards (resources included at the back of the Power Point.)
* Planning sheet giving students a structured method in which to write an effective story (included at the back of the Power Point.)
* A review prompt to discuss writing so far.
* A review peer-assessment prompt which should set students up to continue the story next lesson.
* Each slide gives students a “TEEP” instruction at the start of the slide, indicating which sort of activity is involved at each stage.
***Now available in a dystopian and horror bundle:
*Now available as a four lesson bundle – four great lessons for £6.95!*
(Credits: Donney Nunley, Circus Tricks, Flickr.com. Emo Attitude, Haunted Boy, Deviant art.)
The Haunted House Triple Pack 2
The haunted house triple pack of complete lessons!
A fun and engaging triple pack of haunted house lessons!
Bundle includes:
* The Deserted House Poetry Lesson
* The Spooky Ghost Story
* Bakerfield Lodge
For more information on each lesson, click on the links below.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
Literacy Games Pack
An excellent value collection of literacy games and general resources, including literacy bingo, Literacy true and false, word games and many more.
Click on the individual links for further details.
Also included is a ‘literacy health check’ complete lesson!
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
English Writing Pack 5 – Titanic - Writing to Describe and Literacy
Two interesting and engaging writing lessons and three newspaper writing template sheets, consisting of:
* Titanic – Writing to Describe
* Literacy Health Check
* Three newspaper writing sheets, including found on a desert island; crocodile attacks student and mystery big cat spotted.
Fantastic value lessons pack.
Click on the link for further details.
For more great resources or lessons see here:
Word Games and Puzzle Pack
An excellent collection of literacy and word game resources!
Click on the links for further details.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
Excellent and engaging bingo style literacy game. Students simply write True or False on their 5x5 true or false cards and mark them off if the displayed literacy clue is true or false. Subject areas include: capital letters, punctuation, their, there and they're; was and were; and spellings. Power Point game suitable for key stages 2 and 3, printable true or false cards included and further instructions on how to play inside. Great for spelling and SPAG.
For more great resources and lessons see here:
(Copyright free images. Frog image from pixabay, public domain: https://pixabay.com/en/frog-green-animal-amphibian-48234/P
Literacy, PEE, SPAG and Horror Creative Writing Bundle
A fantastic value download bundle consisting of:
* Literacy Health Check
* Karl Pilkington SPAG and PEE starters
* Terror at the Funfair Creative Writing
Click on the previews for more details
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
Literacy, PEE, SPAG and Horror Creative Writing Bundle
A fantastic value download bundle consisting of:
* Literacy Health Check
* Karl Pilkington SPAG and PEE starters
* The Haunting Creative Writing
Click on the previews for more details
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
Fantastic bundle pack of creative writing and literacy, featuring:
* Literacy Health Check
* The Haunting
* Literacy True or False - Interactive Game
See each link for more details.
For more great resources see my page here:
Fantastic bundle of resources, featuring:
* The Halloween Murder Mystery Creative Writing Lesson
* Literacy Health Check
* Literacy True or False - Interactive Game
See each link for more details.
For more great resources see my page here:
The Literacy Collection
An excellent collection of literacy resources (and some fun stuff!).
£28.50 of resources for £5.00!!!!
Click on the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
A descriptive writing lesson using peaceful images to engage students! Lots of resources included.
Full lesson includes:
* Clear image starter
* Lesson objectives
* Five things to help with descriptive writing slide
* Image + example task (resource included as a hand out)
* Image prompt and review slide
Student checklist, things to include in descriptive writing, a WAGOLL and descriptive word mat resources included.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(All images are copy right free to the best of my knowledge.)
A literacy ‘health check’ booklet containing 25 questions, ideal for Y6-Y9 low or average ability range. The short assessment is intended as a brief, low pressure test (hence the ‘health check’ not a ‘test’) and comprises of simple fill-in-the-blanks questions on: capital letters; there, their and they’re; to and too; apostrophes and common spelling errors.
Included on the Power Point are all the answers to the test, as well as a starter and literacy plenary ideas. All resources are included at the back of the Power Point.
Attractive 21 page Power Point includes:
• Title page.
• Fun facts - true or false starter.
• Literacy objectives page.
• Prompt pages for the test.
• Full answers for each section.
• Reflective area for students to respond to on the back of the test.
• Discussion prompt.
• Creative literacy word search activity (provided at the back of the Power Point.)
• Links to a literacy ‘Block Buster’ online game and image.
• All resources, with instructions on how to create the booklet.
You may also be interested in poetic terms full lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/poetic-terms-full-lesson-11184997
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
A literacy ‘health check’ booklet containing 25 questions, ideal for Y6-Y9 low or average ability range. The short assessment is intended as a brief, low pressure test (hence the ‘health check’ not a ‘test’) and comprises of simple fill-in-the-blanks questions on: capital letters; there, their and they’re; to and too; apostrophes and common spelling errors.
Included on the Power Point are all the answers to the test, as well as a starter and literacy plenary ideas. All resources are included at the back of the Power Point.
Attractive 21 page Power Point includes:
• Title page.
• Fun facts - true or false starter.
• Literacy objectives page.
• Prompt pages for the test.
• Full answers for each section.
• Reflective area for students to respond to on the back of the test.
• Discussion prompt.
• Creative literacy word search activity (provided at the back of the Power Point.)
• Links to a literacy ‘Block Buster’ online game and image.
• All resources, with instructions on how to create the booklet.
You may also be interested in poetic terms full lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/poetic-terms-full-lesson-11184997
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
Literacy Games and Christmas Fun Pack
A fantastic collection of fun and educational literacy resources, including:
* Literacy Bingo
* Literacy True or False
* Christmas Quiz
* Christmas Fun Pack
Click on the links for further details.
A great value download.
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
Amazing value literacy pack! One full literacy lesson complete with all resources and four literacy games, all on one Power Point! Click on the links below to purchase individually or download the complete pack here. Great for improving students' SPAG.
Literacy Health Check £3:
Literacy Bingo 1 £2:
Literacy Bingo 2 £2:
Literacy True or False 1 £2:
Literacy True or False 2 £2:
*Now also includes - Literacy Nuts and Bolts - Zizi's Story* £2.50